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mount carmel造句

"mount carmel"是什么意思  
  • Feast of our lady of mount carmel
  • Nasb : so she went and came to the man of god to mount carmel
  • So ahab sent for all the children of israel , and got the prophets together at mount carmel
  • So ahab sent unto all the children of israel , and gathered the prophets together unto mount carmel
  • So ahab sent word to all the children of israel and gathered the prophets together unto mount carmel
  • Your head crowns you like mount carmel . your hair is like royal tapestry ; the king is held captive by its tresses
    5 [和合]你的头在你身上好象迦密山;你头上的发是紫黑色。王的心因这下垂的发绺系住了。
  • Now send , and get israel together before me at mount carmel , with the four hundred and fifty prophets of baal who get their food at jezebel ' s table
  • " now then send and gather to me all israel at mount carmel , together with 450 prophets of baal and 400 prophets of the asherah , who eat at jezebel ' s table .
    王上18 : 19现在你当差遣人、招聚以色列众人、和事奉巴力的那四百五十个先知、并耶洗别所供养事奉亚舍拉的那四百个先知、使他们都上迦密山去见我。
  • His interview with ahaziah ' s messengers on the way to ekron , and the account of the destruction of his captains with their fifties , suggest the idea that he may have been in retirement at this time on mount carmel
  • Now therefore send , and gather to me all israel unto mount carmel , and the prophets of baal four hundred and fifty , and the prophets of the groves four hundred , which eat at jezebel ' s table
  • It's difficult to see mount carmel in a sentence. 用mount carmel造句挺难的
  • And now send word , and gather all israel to me at mount carmel , as well as the four hundred and fifty prophets of baal and the four hundred prophets of the asherah , who eat at jezebel ' s table
  • Now therefore send , and gather to me all israel unto mount carmel , and the prophets of baal four hundred and fifty , and the prophets of the groves four hundred , which eat at jezebel ' s table
    王上18 : 19现在你当差遣人、招聚以色列众人、和事奉巴力的那四百五十个先知、并耶洗别所供养事奉亚舍拉的那四百个先知、使他们都上迦密山去见我。
如何用mount carmel造句,用mount carmel造句mount carmel in a sentence, 用mount carmel造句和mount carmel的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。